Cardinal Hospice Care

Cardinal Hospice Care provides hospice care to residents across the state of North Carolina. We are always looking for compassionate volunteers who are wanting to give back and spend some time with our patients. The main goal of the volunteer program is to provide our hospice patients with socialization and companionship through a few different ways. Our volunteer opportunities can involve making in person visits, becoming a pen-pal by sending cards or letters, help our bereavement coordinator make scripted calls to our bereaved families, be a Vigil volunteer by spending time with patients who are close to death or you can help us in the office (limited position). In order to volunteer with us you must be at least 16yrs or older to apply, must be able to pass an NC background check and complete our online training course. Certain positions may require you to get two TB test completed, which we offer free of charge at any of our offices. We have locations across the state, with offices in Greensboro, Smithfield, Kinston, New Bern and Jacksonville, NC.

Volunteer Activities
Make in Person visits with our hospice patients. You can become a pen pal and send cards/letters to as many patients as you'd like. You can help our bereavement coordinator make scripted calls, help around the office or assist us at recruiting events.
Facebook Page
Andy Montenegro
Contact Phone
(910) 548-3444
614 E. Market St, SMithfield NC 27577 3884 Henderson Drr, Jacksonville, NC 28546 2807 Neuse Blvd Suite 13, New Bern, NC 28562 508 Plaza Blvd Kinston, NC 28501
North Carolina
United States
United States, 27542